TESOL资格认证的价值体现Completing a TESOL course will enhance your career as an English 完成TESOL课程会提升您的英语教学国际化职业技能。 不仅是成为合格的英语教师,您还会: 享受国际就业机会 Global job opportunities • Paid TESOL positions exist more or lessin every country. We have helped thousands of people realize their dreams andteach in different countries all over the world. • 有偿英语教学职位在每个国家都或多或少存在。我们已帮助成千上万的学员实现梦想在世界各地教英语。 提升职业发展Career advancement • TESOL is a fantastic opportunity to gainsome experience and set you up for future academic learning. Many teachers allover the world start their careers with our courses before taking futurecourses . • TESOL将给您提供一个很好的获取经验的机会,特别是为以后的学术学习打好基础。世界各地的很多老师在学习其他课程前都是凭借我们的课程开始其职业生涯的。 获取国际承认证书 Internationally recognizedcertificate • TESOL certificates are recognizedworldwide and gives you the qualification and skills to teach Englishprofessionally. • TESOL证书国际认可,给您专业教授英语的职业资格和技巧。 获取高收入Earn great money • Qualified teachers in China or overseasearn more than those without recognized TESOL qualifications • 经认证的老师在国内外比没TESOL认证的老师收入高 获取宝贵经验 Gain invaluable experience • Be able to deliver exceptionallessons • 有能力出色地教授英语课
有更多工作机会 Job availability in China • Lots of English teachers to fillpositions all over the world and once you are qualified you will become highlyemployable. • 国内外各地有大量的英语教师的职位空缺,一旦经过TESOL认证,您将会在就业市场上炙手可热
工作有保障 Job security • Work in a respected career and enjoy thebenefits that English teaching has to offer • 从事令人尊敬的工作,享受教英语的种种好处 TESOL学员报名流程必读 1. 第一步了解TESOL课程和相关资质。 2. 第二步咨询,根据各人的英语水平、有无教学经验,教学对象等选择合适的TESOL证书课程学习。 3. 第三步报名:正确填写申请表,提供英语能力证明,最高学历证明,身份证复印件各一份,一张2寸照片。网上报名(提供扫描件)和现场报名均可。 4. 第四步缴费:现金、公司账户转账、POS机、支付宝、微信。 5. 准备:领取TESOL配套教材,选择合适的日期进行学习。 6. 学习:美籍专业培训师授课,培训结束后参加考试。 7. 证书:考试成绩合格颁发资格证书。(可免费补考一次)
了解更多课程信息和最新开课信息 请致电:010-83197099 美国TESOL 中国认证管理中心(美国TESOL 中国总部) AMERICAN TESOL CHINA MANAGEMENT CENTER TESOL总部电话:010-83197099 TESOL总部官网: www. TESOLGOV.com TEFL总部官网:www.TEFLinChina.com 地址:中国·北京 西城区宣武门海格国际大厦B座605-606 ADDRESS: ROOM B605-606,Hai Ge GUO Ji Da Sha, Xuan Wu Men Wai Street., Beijing .CHINA 企业邮箱:admin@TESOLinchina.com 学员服务邮箱:amy@tesolinchina.com QQ客服:3154503486 声明:此篇为【TESOL中国总部官网】TESOL国际英语教师资格证书考试报名官网! TESOL in China原创文章,转载请标明出处链接:https://www.tesolgov.com.cn/tesol-hexinjiazhi-tixian.html