
TESOL Teaching Skill Thesis From Monica


TESOL Teaching Skill Thesis From Monica


TESOL English Teaching Skill:

This essay mainly focuses on what I have learnt from this short training and how to improve my teaching skills and theoretical knowledge.

The course mainly concentrates on how to teach English to Speakers of Other Languages. So it is diverse and different from our mother tongue because students with various cultural background have different understanding language carried culture. Therefore, the instructor presented us many real activities to let us know how to carry out the teaching objects.   

TESOL Greeting and Warm-up:

Firstly, the instructor showed us a great many ways to greet and warm up students. For example, “Hello, I am Monica, and you?”, “ Hello, I am Monica and you are Mike.” Etc. Then the teacher presented us Two Golden Rules in teaching ESL by the usage of preposition(on, in, behind, front, back, between, under, etc). They are to do the same(Say what I say and do what I do) and to do the opposite(Say Opposite I say and do opposite I do). For example, when the teacher says “front”, students should say “front”. Conversely, when the teacher says “front”, students say “back”. Other activities are “reading mind” , “don’t say yes or know”, categories, jeopardy, sentence pace, spot the difference and chain fairytale. Those activities are designed to vocabulary, grammar, and other language skills. What’s the most important is that those teaching methods always keep students focus on what the teacher say and so encourage students to learn language actively.

TESOL Learning Style:

Second, the instructor explains the high qualities of a good teacher, including time teachers and students talk in a class, teachers’ gestures and expressions, and how to deal with the tough tasks with students whose parents are involved in students’ study. Then based on the five senses, the instructor explained eight learning styles by showing pictures and role play.

Learning styles include :

l Visual learners(students absorb knowledge visually by doing charts, graphs, or pictures and photographs exercises)

l Aural/audio learners(students absorb knowledge through sound by doing music or song exercises)

l Physical learners( students acquire knowledge through physical interaction with things by doing acting and dancing exercises)

l Verbal learners(Linguistic Learners use language itself by dong group discussion)

l Logical/analytical learners( learners looks for patterns and trend in what they learn and connections, reasons, and results by doing problem-solving activities.)

l Social learners( learners prefer social interaction by doing role-playing exercise.)

l Solitary learners( learners prefer study alone by keeping journals and acknowledge others about their accomplishment.)

l Combination learners( learners use two or three learning styles by group discussion and making a dialogue.)

Knowing these learning styles empowers me to prepare my class fully and ignite students’ interest in study. Except different learning styles, there are eight thinking map used to present knowledge, including bubble map( vocabulary), double map(comparison-contrast), flow map(topic, steps), multi-flow map( cause-effect), tree map(topic-sub-topic), circle map( topic), brace map(whole-part), and bridge map( analogy relationship).

TESOL Word Formation:

Third, the instructor showed how many word formations they are. There are eight word formations compounding( snowman), blending(camcorder) onomatopoeia (bang), acronym(TESOL) eponym( Parkinson’s disease), clipping, back formation(edit-editor), clipping(professor), conversion(access-to access) . These word formations encourages students to remember as many words as they can so it helps them to enlarge their vocabulary.

TESOL Teaching Content:

Next, I learn how to teach listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of these language skills can be divided into three parts: pre-listening/ speaking/ reading/ writing, while-listening/speaking/reading/writing, and post listening/speaking/reading/writing. There are many activities to teach those language skills.

For example, in listening, how to repeat the word. in speaking, making up a dialogue, interviews, and information gap, etc can be used. In writing, five steps are presented, which are prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading publishing. ARMS and CUPS are used to revise and edit the draft. In reading, whisper race, misspelled words, and eulogy, etc are used. Bottom-up strategy, which means learners encode the language symbol from minimal pairs to words to sentences, and top-down strategy, which means learners encode language symbols from sentences to words to minimal pairs are used to differentiate minimal pair practice.

TESOL Lesson Plan:

The last point is about how to plan your lessons and how to demo it with confidence. The lesson plan includes background information about students, teaching materials, and other useful information; teaching objects; teaching aids; teaching methods; teaching procedures. Teaching methods contain Russia method, project method, graphic method, total physical method, and direct method. Teaching procedures includes warm-up, presentation, production, practice, perform, and other optional activities.

TESOL Summarizing:

I just summarize the main knowledge I have learnt in this training. The activities and method provided and presented in the class benefits most because I observed carefully how the teacher could push students to achieve their learning goals. As a second langue teacher, the teaching theory and psychology guide me to help student move out of their comfortable zone and promote my professional skills. If a multitude of fundamental theories about the teaching activities are provided, I think this course is more practical because theory always guide practice and vice versa.


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