TESOL Reading and Writing Skills Thesis from LilyTESOL Reading and Writing Skills Thesis from Lily
TESOL Reading Skills: Before I came here, I know little about how to teach reading. I thought teaching reading is easier than writing, because we seem to do better in reading test than in writing. Reading is difficult because there are too many new words. After class, I realized there are so many ways to teach reading.
Teaching reading can be divided into three processes: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.
TESOL Pre-reading Skill: Guessing. You predict what the passage or story is about. You can use following predicting questions: what do you think will happen?/ what will the author do or tell you next? / what clues tell you what will happen? Etc. You can guess the topic of the article; writer’s opinion; words the text will use; how the text will make you feel or what do you think you will learn from the text.
There are some activities that you can use to guess. For example, choose one topic sentence from the article, and let the students guess what kind of article this sentence comes from, what else they will read about in this article or write a question they think will be answered in the article.
TESOL While-reading Skills: Skimming and Scanning Skimming is when you want to do read something quickly to get a general idea about the article. You can read the table of contents; the opening and closing sentences of paragraphs to get the main idea; headings and subheadings and illustrations or graphic features.
Scanning is when you want to read something quickly to find a specific piece of information. You should read quickly without stopping. Don’t worry about understanding text and look for specific details, e.g. dates, time, numbers or question to be answered.
TESOL Post-reading Skills: associations and summarizing The goals of associations is to personalize readings and connect readings to own knowledge so that the article is more memorable and understandable.
To summarize the article, you just have to identify main ideas and important details, and it is not necessary to remember everything. You can use the following questions to summarize any reading: what is the reading about?/ who is the reading about?/ what happened? When? Where? Why did the author write this?
There are some activities that you can use in post-reading. For example, you can use graphic organizers to interpret or create a story. Also, you can use “jigsaw” reading game to practise. Cut the article into pieces, let the students cooperate together to get the right order of the article.
TESOL Writing Skills: Writing is an output process. It is not easy for students to write a passage. There are five steps to write a paragraph. ·Pre-writing. Before you write, you should think about some basic ideas. For example, what the paragraph is about, who is in the story, how the story will go through etc. ·Drafting. Write down your ideas about the paragraph. ·Revising. Revise what you wrote. You add, remove, move and substitute the draft, abbreviating it “ARMS”. ·Editing. Improve your writing again. Pay attention to capitalization, usage, punctuation and spelling(CUPS). ·Publishing. After all the above steps, you can show your paragraph to your teachers, friends or other publishers to get some advice.
TESOL Teaching Methods: I also learned about five teaching methods, one of them is TPR method. TPR is an approach to teaching a second language, based on listening linked to physical activities which are designed to reinforce comprehension. TPR is easy to implement and no translation is needed. You do not need to prepare a lot of materials. It has less stress for students of any age. It is interesting, effective input and perfect for team teaching. There are five steps to do the TPR: ·Teacher command and perform the action. ·Teacher command and both teacher and students perform the action. ·Teacher gives command and students perform the action. ·Teacher points out one student to do the performance. ·Students give each other commands. To summarize it, that is “I say I do, I say we do, I say you do, I say but one by one, you say you do.”
TESOL Thinking Maps: Besides, I learned 8 types of thinking maps: bubble map; double bubble map;flow map; multi-flow map; circle map;tree map; brace map; bridge map. 8 types of learning styles: visual; audio;verbal; physical; logical; social;solitary and combination.
Some games are very impressive. For ice breaking, teacher can use partner memory, that is, you have different partners when the teacher says different actions, for example, you can have high-five partner, booty bump partner or hacky sack partner. Another game is also splendid for getting students involved, that is A My Name Is. There are more games and activities that teacher can use to make the class more interesting. I benefited a lot from this training. Thank you so much. 了解更多课程信息和最新开课信息 美国TESOL 中国总部 AMERICAN TESOL CHINA CENTER TESOL总部电话:010-83197099 TESOL客服微信:13011180737 TESOL总部官网: www. TESOLGOV.com TESOL北京总部:www.tesolgov.com.cn TESOL Online官网:www.tesolonline.com.cn 地址:中国·北京 西城区宣武门海格国际大厦B座605-606 ADDRESS: ROOM B605-606,Hai Ge GUO Ji Da Sha, Xuan Wu Men Wai Street., Beijing .CHINA 企业邮箱:admin@TESOLinchina.com 学员服务邮箱:amy@tesolinchina.com 声明:此篇为【TESOL中国总部官网】TESOL国际英语教师资格证书考试报名官网! TESOL in China原创文章,转载请标明出处链接:https://www.tesolgov.com.cn/h-nd-1804.html