TESOL Learning style Thesis from FengTESOL Learning style Thesis from Feng
TESOL Learning Style: People gain knowledge through variety of learning methods, Some people like to learn by sight or hearing, others prefer to explore the outside world through sports or hands-on activities, so as to grasp the relevant information. It is necessary to help learners to apply appropriate learning strategies in accordance with their different cognitive style in learning activities.
TESOL Visual Intelligence: TESOL Visual learners are extremely imaginative and creative, they usually understand visual pictures and are experts at reading body language, this kind of students work best through sketching, drawing, and constructing visual diagrams. For these students, What they learn through observation is more effective than what they learn through conversation or practice. It is important to arrange more visual learning activities, Such as communicative reading, movie watching, and visit to museums and diversity of places. These teaching methods can not only broaden their horizons, but also transform what they see into practical knowledge in the shortest time. TESOL Bodily Intelligence: TESOL Bodily learners are often understand sensory material form hands-on experience, they can do best work through expression of movement, which includes jumping, touching, hands-on activities, stretching, drawing, etc. It is better to set up some interesting activities, such as dance teaching, simulation acting teaching and sports teaching. For these students, the surrounding comfortable learning environment is favorable, so it is essential for a teacher to create harmonious learning atmosphere. TESOL Interpersonal Intelligence: TESOL Interpersonal learners are reflective and independent thinkers, they understand their own strengths and weaknesses and work best through self-evaluation and individually paced project. Instead of cooperating with people, they prefer to work alone, and they learn better by themselves than by group work. For these students, the best way to learn is guide them start a writing task or reading comprehension. During this process, give them enough support and encouragement when they need it. Above all, Different types of learners have different performance in the process of learning, so it is vital for teachers to adopt different teaching programs for different learners. 了解更多课程信息和最新开课信息 美国TESOL 中国总部 AMERICAN TESOL CHINA CENTER TESOL总部电话:010-83197099 TESOL客服微信:13011180737 TESOL总部官网: www. TESOLGOV.com TESOL北京总部:www.tesolgov.com.cn TESOL Online官网:www.tesolonline.com.cn 地址:中国·北京 西城区宣武门海格国际大厦B座605-606 ADDRESS: ROOM B605-606,Hai Ge GUO Ji Da Sha, Xuan Wu Men Wai Street., Beijing .CHINA 企业邮箱:admin@TESOLinchina.com 学员服务邮箱:amy@tesolinchina.com
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